Waern Chisels

I discovered a Waern chisel with a plastic handle that had the Sollidan name and logo on it. The Waern stamp on the blade and the Solliden logo shows some sort of relationship between the two, but I’m not clear on the specifics.





4 comments on “Waern Chisels
  1. Randall Nelson says:

    I also have one of these Solliden plastic handled Waern chisels. I wonder who or what is Waern? I also have a wooden handled Waern chisel that says Waern, Sweden on the sticker on the handle and a stamp on the blade that says ABCO Hardware, which is a company still in business in California. I guess the competition for markets had gotten pretty stiff in the 50’s and early 60’s and you made tools for whoever would pay you.

    • Mitch says:

      According to the stamp on my wooden handled Waern chisels, ABCO hardware is in Lynwood Nebraska.

      Are these considered good quality tools?

  2. Randall Nelson says:

    Glen- Found this note in some paperwork from several years ago- not sure what I copied it from: “Uddeholmworks, Uddeholms Aktiebolag- Jonas Waern- middle of the 19th century- General manager, Hagfors, Munkfors, Storfors, Nykroppa & Brattfors- Varmland Province- first major steelmaking conglomerate in Sweden- Could this be the home of Solliden?” Something to look into-at least this could be the source of those Waern chisel references!

  3. Birch says:

    Thanks, Randall. I’m adding the information you provided to my notes on Waern chisels and plan to follow up next time I’m working on Waern research.

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