Stiletto Chisels

This was an unusual find — a chisel made by Jernbolaget of Eskilstuna, Sweden for Baker & Hamilton (Stiletto) in the USA.

The Stiletto Tool Company started out as Baker & Hamilton during the California Gold rush in 1849, when they began selling tools to gold miners out of a tent at the gold camp near Sacramento. They eventually became a large Western agricultural implement dealer and tool distributor.

They developed the distinctive Stiletto trademark shown below and placed it prominently on their tools.

stiletto logo

Through a series of changes and purchases Baker & Hamilton eventually became The Stiletto Tool Company which is currently located in Winton, California.

In 2007, Stiletto was bought by Milwaukee Electric Tools of Brookfield, Wisconsin.

Today, Stiletto’s specializes in titanium striking tools, including their popular lightweight titanium hammers.

This Stiletto chisel has a highly figured masur birch handle.

Stiletto Jern 11


This is the imprint on the front of the blade — “SWEDEN”, plus the trademark for Jernbolaget from Eskilstuna, Sweden.

Stiletto Jern 12


Stiletto Jern 13


Here is the very distinctive “STILETTO” imprint and double arrow insignia stamped on the back of the chisel.

Stiletto Jern 14


Here is some additional information on Baker and Hamilton/The Stiletto Tool Company.

  • 1849 – Baker and Hamilton began selling tools to gold miners in a tent store near Sacramento, California
  • 1851 – Baker and Hamilton opened their first permanent location in “Old Town” Sacramento.
  • 1887 – Baker and Hamilton expanded their Sacramento store and warehouse to a full city block
  • 1893 – Baker and Hamilton Company took over the farm implement business from Warren & Sons in Sacramento
  • 1906 – Baker and Hamilton’s brand new building was completely destroyed in the Big San Francisco Earthquake
  • 1974 – Baker and Hamilton closed their doors permanently and all inventory was sold to California Hardware
  • 1997 – Renegade Hammer Co. owner Mark Martinez acquires the Stiletto Trademark and production rights
  • 1998 – Martinez invents worlds first solid Titanium framing hammer
  • 1999 – First “Stiletto” branded Titanium hammer is manufactured and sold out of Atwater, Ca.
  • 2007 – Stiletto is purchased by Milwaukee Electric Tools in Brookfield, WI
8 comments on “Stiletto Chisels
  1. Ed Hunnictt says:

    I worked for Baker – Hamilton from 1976 to 1979 as a data processing employee. I eventually decided that California Hardware wasn’t going to enter the 20th century, so I quit and went back down to Silicon Valley to work for Hewlett Packard.. Too Bad, it was a nice place to work with the exception of novices being in charge of the trad unions.. They were more communist than educated is union policies.

  2. Kirk Eppler says:

    Oh my, you are missing about the first 50 years of the company, and its famous founders. Drop me a note, I’ll send you some more stuff.

    • Michael Haisell says:

      Hi I have a Stiletto jointer plane and I don’t see any other ones around. Do you have any info on the woodworking tools?

    • Kirk Carrillo says:

      Mr. Eppler. I recently bought a vintage Stiletto hacksaw and would like to learn more about the company. Can you share or point me in the right direction?

    • Dan P. Gomes Monahan says:

      I worked for B & H 45 Years as a outside salesman one of 5 at the time just here in Sacramento in 1968.Before I worked for Dunham Carrigan & Hayden 65-67 as a salesman in SF & down Hwy.1 as far as Pescadero Started in the wharehouse at 18 in 1959 for Thomson Diggs Co. all good Companys & all long gone.(California Hardware0 & Jenstn at the last. Good memories from all but B & H was the best.Ive been to Adobe several times along with Norm Carvalho & Al Rosa To speak to their employees as to what actually B & H did they were all vary interested & we were there 4 hours each time. last time was Jan. just before the virus lock down. I Norm is no longer with us & Al Rosa in in a memory loss facility.& my main contact at Adobe moved on.Maybe another session will still come Dan P. Gomes Monahan

    • Jon Nutting says:

      Hello Ed and Kirk. I’d love to hear more about the history of B&H. I’m related to the Baker side, but we don’t have much information. Thank you! This post is really interesting!

  3. Kurtis Jay Johnson says:

    I have a beautiful 1/2” Stiletto bevel edge paring chisel with very thin lands and thin overall thickness the sort I only see on the most premium chisels. No Swedish makers mark, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t Swedish. It has the same double arrow Stiletto mark only much smaller and on the back. I’ve seen another variation of the logo I assume to be earlier. I want to find more but they seem to be rare and bring above premium prices.

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