Crown, Arm & Hammer Chisels

Crown, Arm, and Hammer chisels were made by L.F. Stahlberg & Co (Ståhlberg in Swedish).

I haven’t seen many of them, but the one I have is very nicely made with great steel. It came with a fairly modern Berg replacement handle.

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The blade stamp is deep and crisp — a crown sitting above an arm and hammer. As the stamp indicates, the chisel was made in Eskilstuna, Sweden.

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This company, which was originally founded in 1836, was incorporated in 1902 as AB L.F. Ståhlberg & Co. They operated under that name until some time between 1912 and 1915 when they were bought out by Eskilstuna Jernmanufactur AB (Jernbolaget) who was likely their largest competitor in Eskilstuna.

It would be interesting to know if the chisel above was made before or after Ståhlberg was bought out by Jernbolaget.

For more information please click here.

3 comments on “Crown, Arm & Hammer Chisels
  1. I was looking at the chisels that I bought at an estate, trying to get together an attractive set, and I found a 3/4″ chisel with the logo that you describe up here but with no handle.

    This is from a fellow that was collecting all kinds of tools for the last 30 years.

    If that chisel has an interest for you let me know.

  2. Burl Cabe says:

    I have it looks to be a hawk Bill machete or Bill hawk machete whichever way you want to call it and it’s got a crown with an arm extending out of it going straight up and it’s holding a sledgehammer
    Trying to figure out who the maker is. I’m 65 years old and I’ve had it since I was about 20 and it was old then
    Do you have any idea who made it or what country it’s from I’m in North Carolina USA

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