Odds and Unknowns #2 – Misc.

I received this chisel from Sweden, grouped with a number of others. I have no idea who made it or even if it’s actually Swedish. Perhaps someone out there will recognize the blade stamp.

The chisel has a nice beech handle that feels good in my hand. I like this simple shape for actual use.

Chisel Boat Stamp 550px1

The blade is decent carbon steel and appears to be fairly old.

Chisel Boat Stamp 550px2

The blade stamp looks like a ship …  perhaps an ironclad ship from the 1800s. Does anyone recognize this stamp?

Chisel Boat Stamp 550px3


Here’s another unknown blade stamp on a beefy-looking Swedish style chisel (top item). Again, I’m not sure if this chisel was actually made in Sweden.

Unknown Maker Mark 1 550px1

Does this blade stamp look familiar to anyone?

Unknown Maker Mark 1 550px2


This Liberg definitely came from Sweden. 🙂  One distinguishing Liberg feature is the brass-finished hoop on the top of the handle. I have seen this hoop on quite a few of the more modern Liberg chisels.

Liberg B Mark 550px2

Note the stylized “B” to the left of the usual Liberg blade stamp. This is the first time that I have seen this stamp on a Liberg chisel.

Liberg B Mark 550px1

If you have odd or unknown Swedish chisels that you want posted on this site, please feel free to go the Contact page and send me an e-mail.



3 comments on “Odds and Unknowns #2 – Misc.
  1. The three intersecting circles (wheels?) is the trademark of German company Caspar Honsberg in Remscheid:
    Established in 1801, the main product of C. Honsberg was saws. Later in the 19th century, Honsberg began to trade in other tools and is listed as exporter in several directories. Sweden is explicitly mentioned in a Remscheid directory from 1884.


    • Birch says:

      Thanks very much for the information and the link, Wolfgang. It’s always very satisfying when one of these mysteries (to me) gets solved.


  2. KIM Malmberg says:

    Looking at the ship logo how can we actually say that it is a boat. It could also be a submarine. Not that I can guarantee it.

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