Diving Airplane Chisels

When I first started doing research on Swedish chisels, I saw a blade stamp that caught my interest. It was an airplane, apparently in a nose dive. The airplane image sparked my imagination and I made a note of it. I wasn’t certain that it was a Swedish brand at first, but I eventually acquired one that had “Eskilstuna” imprinted on the blade.

I still don’t know much about this brand. So, “Diving Airplane” is the name I’ll use for this brand until I know more. Hopefully, others have additional information and will send it to me.

This Diving Airplane chisel is pretty rough, but it shows a typical Swedish-style design. The bolster on the blade is a bit unusual … it’s not round, but squared off with rounded edges.

Diving Plane 580 px a2

Diving Plane 580 px a1

Diving Plane 580 px a3


On the blade stamp, above the airplane, it looks like “… SVE …” on top and “STÅL” just below it. “STÅL” is Swedish for “steel”

Diving Plane 580 px a4


My friend Russell S.  informed me that the first line above “STÅL” reads “PRIMA SVENSKT” which translates to “first-rate Swedish”. That can be seen clearly on the recently acquired photo below.


Below are a couple of other interesting examples.



It would be nice to know a lot more about this brand.

9 comments on “Diving Airplane Chisels
  1. Randall Nelson says:

    Glen: I missed out on one of these “Diving Airplane” blades in a group that was on Ebay recently. In the last few minutes there must have been a real flurry of activity, after five days of me being the only bidder, because the group went for more than twice what I had expected. I guess you and I are not the only ones interested in the unusual and obscure. Of course, I only mean this reference in connection with Swedish chisels!

    • Birch says:

      Randall … I first saw the “Diving Airplane” blade stamp shortly after I became interested in Swedish chisels. It has always been one of my favorites.

      Yes, I think there are a few other people out there besides you and me who are also interested in unusual or obscure Swedish chisels. 🙂

  2. RussS says:


    I have some of these, all 1/2, 3/4 or 1 inch size and one 10mm mortice chisel.

    The text above ‘stål’ is ‘prima svenskt’ on one of mine. I have only seen these in Sweden.

    I do not know, but perhaps they were made for the Swedish military? I have seen other tools made especially for the military with special military logos.

    • Birch says:

      Thank you, Russ. I appreciate your help, as always. The text ‘prima svenskt’ fits in nicely with the partial text that appears on both blade stamps in the photos above.

      I will add that information to the post.

      That blade stamp certainly has a military look to it. I’d like to know if it was made specifically for the Swedish military, too.

  3. David Olsson says:

    Great site. Thanks for the info.
    I just startled out woodturning. So i went into our old family barn that’s been around for at least three generations, to look for some cutting tools. Inside I found about 40 or so dusty old chissels, probably not used since 1986 when my grandfather still was around. mostly e a Berg, and Jernverket but also 3 falling aeroplane chissels. All of them in a sorry state, I was barely able to see the plane as they were covered in about a 2mm thick (probably about 50 years worth) layer upon layer of old linseed oil. And in spite of living in Sweden your site was the only one I found mentioning them.

  4. Birch says:

    Thanks. I’m glad that you enjoy the site.

    I hope that you are able to restore the chisels and put them to good use.

    Did any of the falling airplane chisels have decals on the handle?

  5. KIM Malmberg says:

    The diving airplane is one which intrigues me too. I just recently received a cobblers knife with the same logo. I compared it with my four EA Berg cobblers knives and found it to be a very close match size and design wise. I am not aware of other Swedish makers of leatherworkers tools but I am still not saying the maker must have been Berg. The airplane could be related to the warship stamp which occurs on Glen’s pages too. I don’t know this for a fact but if it was a military issues stamp then it is possible different forces received tools with different stamps.

  6. Janne Franzen says:

    I have 4 chisels with diving airplane.
    The steel is very like EA Berg Shark …

  7. Les Huth says:

    I am interested in woodworking tools generally and especially Swedish makes.
    I have sent you photos of two chisels and a saw with this logo separately.
    There doesn’t seem to be any late additions to the site and I am wondering if you are still active with the site.

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