Berg Chisels, Gouges, & Handles

1. Firmer Chisel – 920 unbevelled 01 Berg Chisels & Gouges 01-09-1936-01 600pxComments: None

Reference: 01-09-1936



2. Firmer Chisel – 921 bevelled 02 Berg Chisels & Gouges 02-09-1936-02 600pxComments: None

Reference: 02-09-1936



3. Strong Firmer Chisel – 922 steeled

Berg 922-958 Handle Bahco 1973 600px Comments: This strong firmer chisel, called a “timmermansjärn” in Swedish catalogs, has a 958 handle. It’s popularity seemed to come and go. It was shown as discontinued in the 1936 Berg Catalog, but showed up again later years in the Bahco catalogs. In the 1965 and 1973 Bahco Catalogs it was available with the 951, 956, and 958 handle and 1″, 1-1/8″, and 1-1/4″ widths. In the 1965 Bahco catalog it was also available with the short-lived 960 handle.

Reference: 07-09-1936 (discontinued 1936), 04-H10-1965, 02-04-1973



4. Strong Firmer Chisel – 923 all steel

08 Berg Chisels & Gouges 01-10-1936-08 600px

Comments: None

Reference: 01-10-1936



5. Strong Firmer Chisel – 924 all steel

Berg 924 Drawing 600pxComments: This chisel was beveled on the front and was much longer and more robust than the typical Berg #1026 socket chisel. It was present in the 1928 Berg Catalog, but is shown as ‘Discontinued’ in the 1936 Berg Catalog with no accompanying illustration.

Reference: 02-10-1936 (discontinued)



6. Turning Chisel – 925 flat

15 Berg Chisels & Gouges 01-11-1936-15 600pxComments: None

Reference: 01-11-1936



7. Turning Chisel – 926 gouge

16 Berg Chisels & Gouges 02-11-1936-16 600pxComments: None

Reference: 02-11-1936



8. Firmer Gouge – 927 half quarter hollow, 928 full hollow

17 Berg Chisels & Gouges 03-11-1936-17 600pxComments: None

Reference: 03-11-1936



9. Mortise Chisel – 929

19 Berg Chisels & Gouges 05-11-1936-19 600pxComments: None

Reference: 05-11-1936



10. Mortise Chisel – 930

20 Berg Chisels & Gouges 06-11-1936-20 600pxComments: None

Reference: 06-11-1936



11. Chisel – 930 G

21 Berg Chisels & Gouges 07-11-1936-21 600pxComments: None

Reference: 07-11-1936



12. Strong Firmer Chisel – 931 steeled, 932 all steel

10 Berg Chisels & Gouges 03-10-1936-10 600px

Comments: None

Reference: 03-10-1936



13. Strong Firmer Gouge – 933 all steel

11 Berg Chisels & Gouges 04-10-1936-11 600pxComments: None

Reference: 04-10-1936



14. Strong Firmer Chisel – 934 all steel

12 Berg Chisels & Gouges 05-10-1936-12 600px

Comments: None

Reference: 05-10-1936



15. Mortise Chisel – 935

22 Berg Chisels & Gouges 01-12-1936-22 600pxComments: None

Reference: 01-12-1936



16. Patternmakers’ Gouge – 936

18 Berg Chisels & Gouges 04-11-1936-18 600pxComments: None

Reference: 04-11-1936



17. Mortise Chisel – 937

 No Photo Yet

Comments: None

Reference: 02-12-1936 (discontinued 1936)



18. Mortise Chisel – 938

24 Berg Chisels & Gouges 03-12-1936-24 600pxComments: None

Reference: 03-12-1936



19. Mortise Chisel – 939

25 Berg Chisels & Gouges 04-12-1936-25 600pxComments: None

Reference: 04-12-1936



20. Strong Firmer Chisel – 940 all steel

13 Berg Chisels & Gouges 06-10-1936-13 600pxComments: None

Reference: 06-10-1936



21. Strong Firmer Chisel – 942 bevelled all steel

14 Berg Chisels & Gouges 07-10-1936-14 600px

Comments: None

Reference: 07-10-1936



22. Taper Curved Gouge – 945

26 Berg Chisels & Gouges 05-12-1936-26 600px

Comments: None

Reference: 05-12-1936



23. Bottoming Gouge – 946

27 Berg Chisels & Gouges 06-12-1936-27 600pxComments: None

Reference: 06-12-1936



24. Taper Curved Gouge – 947

28 Berg Chisels & Gouges 07-12-1936-28 600pxComments: None

Reference: 07-12-1936



25. Turning – Mortise Chisel – 949

29 Berg Chisels & Gouges 01-13-1936-29 600pxComments: None

Reference: 01-13-1936



26. Chisel Handle – 950

30 Berg Chisels & Gouges 02-13-1936-30 600pxComments: None

Reference: 02-13-1936



27. Chisel Handle – 951

31 Berg Chisels & Gouges 03-13-1936-31 600pxComments: None

Reference: 03-13-1936



28. Chisel Handle – 953

Berg 953 Handle Bahco 1973 600pxComments: None

Reference: 02 right-06-1973



29. Chisel Handle – 954

32 Berg Chisels & Gouges 04-13-1936-32 600pxComments: None

Reference: 04-13-1936



30. Chisel Handle – 955

33 Berg Chisels & Gouges 05-13-1936-33 600pxComments: None

Reference: 05-13-1936



31. Chisel Handle – 956

Berg 956 Handle Bahco 1973 600pxComments: None

Reference: 05 right-06-1973



32. Chisel Handle – 957

Berg 957 Handle Bahco 1973 600px

Comments: None

Reference: 03 right-06-1973



33. Chisel Handle – 958

34 Berg Chisels & Gouges 06-13-1936-34 600pxComments: None

Reference: 06-13-1936


34. Chisel Handle – 960

Berg 960 Handle Bahco 1965 600px

Comments: None

Reference: 04-H10-1965



35. Socket Firmer Chisel – 1026

03 Berg Chisels & Gouges 03-09-1936-03 600px Comments: Popular Berg bevelled socket firmer or bench chisel.

Reference: 03-09-1936



36. Socket Firmer Chisel – 1027

04 Berg Chisels & Gouges 04-09-1936-04 600pxComments: Popular Berg bevelled butt chisel.

Reference: 04-09-1936



37. Firmer Chisel – 1030

05 Berg Chisels & Gouges 05-09-1936-05 600px Comments: Popular Berg bevelled butt chisel.

Reference: 05-09-1936



38. Firmer Chisel – 1031

06 Berg Chisels & Gouges 06-09-1936-06 600pxComments: Popular Berg bevelled tanged firmer or bench chisel.

Reference: 06-09-1936



39. Firmer Chisel – 1032, Shark-O-Lite with clear yellow plastic handle

Berg Shark-O-Lite 1032 600pxComments: None

Reference: PC


3 comments on “Berg Chisels, Gouges, & Handles
  1. Alejandro Thamm says:

    I have two E.A. Berg (Eskilstuna – Sweden) chisels. Blade width: 1 ¾ and 1 9/16. Both are a little over 1 feet long (overall). They have the “La Perdiz” Marking on the top side.
    The handle looks just like the handle # 29 (954) in this page.
    Is that image from a 1936 catalog?
    I am in Argentina.
    You can see photos of these 2 chisels in FB, in:

    • Birch says:

      Nice chisels. They are hard to date because Berg did not put a shark logo on them. The type of shark logo can help narrow down a date range.

      Yes, the image of the handle that you referred to came from a 1936 Berg Catalog. Do your handles have anything stamped into the wood? The handles may also help indicate when the chisels were made, although it’s probably a pretty large date range. I’ll do some checking and see if I can come up with anything.

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