Berg 1939 Catalog

This post contains pages from the English version of the Berg 1939 Catalog.  It include all of the pages on Berg chisels and gouges, their wooden handles, and on hand plane blades.

It took me over two years to track down and acquire this catalog. And in the end, it was just dumb luck that I got it. 🙂

Berg 1939 Catalog 473px b 1

The catalog is 21mm (8-5/16″) wide by 27mm (10-5/8″) long and contains 122 pages of information, most of which is on specific Berg products.

Berg 1939 Catalog 473px a 1
Berg 1939 Catalog 473px a 7

My main reason for pursuing this catalog was that it is a Dealer-style catalog with comprehensive information in English on Berg’s very extensive product line in 1939. It is divided into four sections that include Carpenter’s Tools, Pliers, Shoemaker’s Tools, and Various Tools.

Berg 1939 Catalog 473px a 2

The catalog contains descriptive information on most items. This has helped me a lot with my research since it provides specific information on what distinguishes similar Berg items from each other.

Berg 1939 Catalog 473px a 6
5 comments on “Berg 1939 Catalog
  1. Michael Pedersen says:

    great find on the old catalogue, and thank you for sharing parts of it much appreciated.

    As these are extremely difficult to find, it would be amazing if you could be persvauded to do a full scan/pdf of the catalogue and share it on Vintage Machinery or similar site (I for one would love to go through the full catalogue)

  2. Petre says:

    I have a Bret’s Jack plane with a rear handle all timber is it Australian or European

  3. Peter pearce says:

    I have a Bergs timber jack plane with rear handle is it Australian or European how old is it

  4. Peter pearce says:

    I have a Beardshaw Tennon saw from Sheffield how old is it , is it worth anything

  5. Peter pearce says:

    I have a Gussstahl jack plane timber is it rare what is its value please

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