Anchorworks Chisels

Note: I also put this article in the “New Posts” areas because I have added photos of an Anchorworks socket chisel. Also, I’ve changed the title from “Anchor Works Chisels” to “Anchorworks Chisels” because I believe that “Anchorworks” is the correct name.

Anchorworks chisels were a brand of Jernbolaget chisels made for export markets.

They are found mostly in  Australia and New Zealand and are not as common as the standard Jernbolaget chisels, although they both share the Jernbolaget ‘Crown, Anchor, and E’ trademark stamp on their blade.

I’ve seem tang and socket versions of Anchorworks bench-style beveled chisels, plus an Anchorworks flat-sided firmer chisel.

The chisel on the top below is a birch-handled Anchorworks chisel. (The one below it is a beech-handled Toledo, also Swedish-made.) The birch handle on the Anchorworks looks original, although the chisel is well-worn and the top has been pounded down until the hoop had to be removed.

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The blade stamp reads: “THE ANCHORWORKS Co  |  ESKILSTUNA SWEDEN”. Note that the Jernbolaget ‘Crown, Anchor, and E’ trademark is also stamped on the blade.

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Here is an Anchorworks socket chisel with what appears to be a plain birch handle and the Jernbolaget trademark stamped on the blade.

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Anchorworks Jern 550px 22


This is an Anchoworks firmer chisel with flat sides. The handle is not the typical Jernbolaget birch handle and was likely added by it’s owner.

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Another look at the Anchorworks blade stamp. This one is  indistinct on the outer edges.

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10 comments on “Anchorworks Chisels
  1. Russ S says:

    Researching chisels is tough. It may be because chisels were just a minor part of production for many firms. Jernbolaget, for example, mostly made steel for other companies. Anchor works is surely anglised from Anchorverken, a factory bought by Jernbolaget long ago and which still exists today! Too bad no chisels are made there today, or for that matter anywhere else in Sweden except for botique makers.

    Boy were people peeved when Bahco shut down their factory a few years ago.

    • Birch says:

      Yes, finding information on Swedish chisels is tough. I check both English and Swedish sources, but information is sparse. I suppose that’s one of the reasons I record what I do find. It’s a start. 🙂

      Thanks for mentioning Anchorverken and it’s relationship to Eskilstuna Jernmanufaktur AB (i.e. Jernbolaget). I was able to find some interesting material online that I added to my files.

      Yes, it’s too bad Swedish chisel manufacturing fell into decline. The quality of workmanship and the steel were typically stellar. It’s nice that they can still be found and purchased second-hand or as new old stock.

  2. Kim Malmberg says:

    Very interesting. Clearly made by Jernbolaget, but this is the first ones I’ve seen with such a stamp. I suppose “The Anchor Works” was easier to pronounce than Jernbolaget.

    • Birch says:

      I have an Anchor Works socket chisel with Jernboalget markings that came from Australia. I’ll add photos of it to this page shortly.

      So far, I have only seen this brand in Australia and New Zealand.

  3. Sandra Ash says:

    I have a ham knife made by Anchorworks. Did they also make specialised knives.

    • Birch says:

      Yes, Jernbolaget was well-known for making a variety of specialized knives. (Anchorworks is a Jernbolaget brand name).

  4. Rich says:

    I have a 10 mm beveled edge .
    The blade is imprinted with the Anchor and Schweden

  5. Gary says:

    I Have a 15mm incanal chisel that has the crown & Anchor Logo with just Sweden beside it. Was just wondering if it belonged to this group or the Jernbolaget. The handle is double hooped with smooth brass at both ends.

  6. Bob Bernard says:

    Am enjoying your site and checking out my collection of users. I have a 1/2 inch Jernbolaget chisel marked with his name plus Eskiltuna and Sweden and it also has the anchor with crown and “E” icon.

  7. clubhouse says:

    Thanks for posting all this research. I’m in NZ and have a damaged, 1 and 1/4″, bevel-sided, bench chisel branded with the “E and anchor” logo and “THE ANCHORWORKS Co” above “ESKILTUNA SWEDEN” along the backside of the blade. On the topside it is branded “SUICIDE” across the blade. Cheers.

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